Our School » Arrival and Dismissal

Arrival and Dismissal


We are thrilled to have your wonderful children with us and are committed to ensuring a smooth and safe arrival and dismissal process.

Arrival and Breakfast Information:
  • Arrival begins: 7:55 am
  • Breakfast for students starts: 8:00 am
  • School doors open: 8:20 am

Arrival Guidelines for Bus Drop-Off:

  • All students are supervised outside following drop off and prior to the start of the school day. During this time, students are encouraged to socialize with friends and eat breakfast in our cafeteria.
  • During inclement weather, students will line up inside.
  • Any student arriving after 8:20 am is considered late.

Arrival Guidelines for Car Drop-Off:

  • Kindergarten Parents: Please ensure your kindergarten child wears their name tag during the first two weeks of school.
  • For safety, parents, please stay inside your vehicles at all times.
  • Drop off your child on the right side next to the supervising adult. If assistance is needed, please park on the street and walk them to the drop-off zone.

Dismissal Information:

  • Kindergarten dismissal begins: 2:25 pm
    • All Kindergarten bus students will exit from the cafeteria with adult supervision and be walked to their bus.
    • All walkers will report to the gym where they can be signed out.

Dismissal Procedure:

  • Kindergarten and first-grade walkers and their siblings: 2:25 pm
  • Walkers from Grades 2-5: 2:35 pm
  • Bus dismissal: 2:30 pm
    • Grades K-2: Students will be brought to the cafeteria and walked to their bus.
    • Grades 3-5: Students will wait for their bus in the gym and be supervised by staff.

Carline Procedure:

  • Carline pickup begins: 2:45 pm
    • Display your child's name on your dashboard for easy identification by the supervising adult.
    • You will be guided down the bus lane by the supervising adults.
    • Your child will meet you at your car.
    • Please wait for clearance before pulling away.

IMPORTANT: To ensure a smooth dismissal process, please complete the daily dismissal form by 8/21. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help and support you and your child.

We are looking forward to a fantastic school year with your wonderful children!

Warm regards,

Dr. Mace

To ensure a safe and orderly dismissal we kindly ask that for each child you complete the dismissal Google Form which can be found here in English or Spanish no later than Aug 28, 2024