Arrival and Dismissal

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Dear Manorhaven Families,

Good day! Below you will find helpful information regarding arrival and dismissal at Manorhaven School. By this time, you have received an email questionnaire to inform us as to the daily dismissal of your child. If you haven’t filled the questionnaire out yet, please click on a link below and complete one form per child.
Links for questionnaire:

Students may not be dropped off until AFTER 7:50am. Until that time there is no staff to supervise them, so please, do not drop off students until AFTER 7:50am.

If you drop off your child by car, please enter the parking lot, turn right immediately and proceed to the carline area. Pull up to the front of the line so we have a safe and uncongested area. Your child must be able to get out of the car by themselves. Parents must always stay in the car. If your child cannot exit the car independently, please park and walk them to the line up area. 

Students will line up with their class under the guidance of paraprofessionals. During inclement weather the lineup will be indoors.

Dismissal begins daily at approximately 2:25 pm starting with kindergarten. 
1st Grade walkers will be dismissed at 2:30pm
Buses will be called starting at approximately 2:30pm
Walkers will be dismissed at approximately 2:35pm
Carline will begin at approximately 2:45pm or when most buses have departed.
Changes to your child’s dismissal may only be done via email to [email protected]. until 12pm on that day. If you permanently change your child’s dismissal, a new email form must be submitted to the Main office and the classroom teacher the week prior to the week of the change. 
Dismissal terms listed on forms:
Self-sign out walker Child is allowed to leave on their own. NO adult present.
Walker: Child will only be released to adult listed on email questionnaire.
K walker with sibling: K student may be released to Manorhaven sibling listed on email questionnaire and then to adult listed on questionnaire unless otherwise noted.
Carline: Parent will be allowed to pick up their child after buses have finished. Pick up is in front of the school. You will be directed to pull up from the car line-up area from Sands Point Road. You will be directed when it is safe to proceed into the circle in front of the school. You must have a sign with your child’s name visible on the right side of your vehicle on the windshield/window/visor. 

AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAMS: PAS at Manorhaven, Friends Together, Littig House, MySpectrum, Kidsport- Please indicate on the email questionnaire what program and days your child is attending. If your child only attends on certain days, please make sure you indicate your child’s dismissal on the days NOT attending their afterschool program is noted as well.
Kindergarten walkers/ and their siblings are dismissed through the Main doors. Mrs. Evans’ K class will dismiss directly from the exterior door of her classroom near the garden area. Dr. Kim’s class will exit in the same area from the classroom’s exterior door. Mrs. Tallarico and Mrs. Levin’s classes will exit out of the gym doors.

•    Last name begins with A-L dismissed thru Gym Red doors.
•    Last name begins with L-Z dismissed through Gym Yellow doors.

Students will wait on the grassy area to the left of the Main doors until buses are done.
Parents must have a sign on the right side of the window/windshield with the name of the student in large letters. Students will be released after their car pulls up. Parents must always remain in their car.

Thank you!
Manorhaven Elementary School